Our Annual Assurance Statement 2022

Under the Regulatory Framework, we must submit an Annual Assurance Statement to the Scottish Housing Regulator every year. We also must publish it so tenants and service users can see it.

Our statement was approved at Communities Committee on 27 September and states that the Committee, which is our governing body, is assured we meet all statutory requirements.

Affordable housing developer contributions – commuted sum

Our Housing Strategy Team has published the annual update of commuted sums for each Housing Market Area (HMA).

Many housing sites have a requirement to provide 25% of the unit total as affordable housing. Instead of providing that housing onsite, where agreed, developers can pay a commuted sum instead.

How much a developer has to pay in lieu of providing a unit onsite is assessed by the District Valuer and is updated on a yearly basis.

You can view these updated values as well as further explanation at our webpage.

If you want to raise a dispute about the published assumptions, please email Affordable Housing Team within six weeks of the date of publication.

Make the Call – Prevent Fires – Save Lives

Make the Call is an appeal to carers, family and friends of people at risk of serious injury or even death because of an accidental fire in their home.

Scottish Fire and Rescue Service (SFRS) is now appealing to communities across Scotland to help save a life and consider home fire safety when checking in on vulnerable neighbours, patients, friends and family and to put them in touch with SFRS wherever possible using the free Home Fire Safety Visit phoneline.

Contact SFRS:

 0800 0731 999  | Text “FIRE” to 80800 from your mobile phone

Private Landlords: Landlord Accreditation Scotland training webinars

Landlord Accreditation Scotland (LAS) is a voluntary scheme which helps landlords assure tenants that the tenancy arrangement they have adheres to the high standards as outlined in the Scottish Core Standards for Accredited Landlords. It is also a means quality landlords operating within these standards receive the recognition and support they deserve.

The standards were designed to be reasonable and realistic; landlords who already carry out good management practices will find themselves well on the way to achieving them. Once accredited, you are required to attend one of the LAS Core Standards training session annually.  Courses are available around the country throughout the year.

How to become and Accredited Landlord Today?

You can apply to become an accredited Landlord by completing the online form here or by requesting an application form from the LAS office.

Next Training Webinars

LAS continue to host training webinars to ensure landlords can hear how they can continue to manage their tenancies using best practice guidelines.  The next webinars to be held will be: